Abraçar, tetralogia d'art interdisciplinari 2014.
Con la participación de: Carolina Estrada, Kenyi Quispe, Ros Postigo, Luisfernan Vargas, Fiorella Garrido-Lecca, Manuela Talledo, Julio Martín Pinto, Stefania Polo, Ysavo Morales, Karla Peralta, Helga Elsner, Esra Özmen, Greta Gregor, Robert Hobl, Ingrid Gugganig, Sonja Kothe y Martín Ponce.
Robert Hobl
Robert Hobl
Sandleiten, Viena.
Robert lives in Sandleitenhof. He treballat en mobile telecommunications technologies and for many reasons he known connection between the people of the world, and between the sciences and the arts. Contributeu-ho Conèixer, saber i Aprendre.
"I am Austrian, born in Vienna, grown up in the place called "Sandleitenhof" and living there since then: 1967. I have one brother and four sisters.
de Sandleitenhof, ciutat de Vienna i Country Austria: meus brothers and sisters coming from Romania, Canadà/Vietnam, Syria and Germany (mi wife) and 2 more from Àustria.
Onze upon a time - ages ago in a past millennium - I estudieu "Engineering in Science" (Physic) de l'elementary articles en l'àmbit de la cosmològica aspectes de les relacions naturals. I forgot everything about it in the meanwhile. Only basic mathematics I am estill capable to do, which in fact currently I am doing, as I am tutoring young refugees from Afghanistan in mathematics. However I alt la field of physics: space, matter and time and assayted the field of information and communication.
After study-times, quan I jumped in cold water of work-life, I ended up in the industry branch of mobile telecommunications tecnologies - connecting people (old slogan of the Finnish-based company Nokia) - since the year 1997, try to shape a mobile information society.
El meu personal areas of interest are literature, music and politics. I com a lliterature and music que molt, que no és només reading i listening but I am who writing short stories and making music myself.
Looking forward to get connected to the folks from Peru :-)".
Robert's Papa a la Huancaïna
Vietnamese food prepared by Thi (Robert's brother in law), and brazilian dessert
Abrazar va ser una tetralogia realitzada en estreta col·laboració amb Hansel Sato, integrada per Conèixer , Saber , Comprendre , Aprendre , un projecte que va posar en contacte persones del multiètnic complex residencial Sandleitenhof de la ciutat de Viena amb persones de diversos districtes de la multicultural ciutat de Llima. Iniciat a distància el desembre del 2013, va culminar a Viena entre el 17 i el 31 de maig. Va integrar art-correu, intervencions en espai públic, instal·lació, trobades d'intercanvi i performance.
Abrazar va ser part del XIII Festival SOHO in Ottakring, realitzat durant maig de 2014 al barri de Sandleiten, districte 16 de la ciutat de Viena, Àustria, sota cura d'Ula Schneider i Hansel Sato.