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Embrace, tetralogy of interdisciplinary art 2014.

Emilio Santisteban

Contemporary performance artist

Aprender: Ingrid Gugganig, Sonja Kothe., Martín Ponce. En Linz, Kunstram Suburbia: Muhammadullah Akakhel, Faridullah Ashna, Waqef Shinwar.

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Video © Hansel Sato.

Learn 3. Belki sessizlik saygının tek yoludur? , performance.  5/31 2014. Sandleitenhof, Soho in Ottakring 2014, Vienna.


Screams: Belki sessizlik saygının tek yoludur? Možda je ćutanje jedini naćin za respekt? Vielleicht ist das Schweigen die einzige Möglichkeit, zu respektieren? (In Turkish, Croatian Serbian and German: "Is silence the only possible form of respect?").


Posters: 我 在家 受欢迎 吗? (Mandarin Chinese: "Am I welcome at home?").


"Weisst du wieviele Kulturen, es in Sandleiten gibt? Weisst du wieviele Laender hier zu Hause sind? Moechtest du sie  kennenlernen? Moechtest du mehr ueber ihre Feiertage wissen? Hasst du schon einmal ueberlegt, dich mit den Leuten hier in unserem Graetzelkaffee zu treffen?"

(¿Sabes cuántas culturas existen en Sandleiten? ¿Sabes cuántos países hay aquí en casa? ¿Listo para conocerlos? ¿listo para saber más acerca de sus vacaciones? ¿Nunca has pensado en reunirte con la gente en nuestro gracioso café?").

Voz: Ingrid Gugganig. Letra de Ingrid Gugganig a partir de dos preguntas de Sonja Kothe.

Aprender 3. SOHO in Ottakring, Wien. Emilio Santisteban. Arte de performance de Latinoamérica.

Poster used in Belki sessizlik saygının tek yoludur? Learn 3  and self-adhesive flyer distributed in  Weisst du wieviele Kulturen Learn 1

Embracing was a tetralogy carried out in close collaboration with Hansel Sato, made up of Knowing , Knowing , Understanding , Learning , a project that put people from the multi-ethnic Sandleitenhof residential complex in the city of Vienna in contact with people from various districts of the multicultural city of Vienna. Lime. Started remotely in December 2013, it culminated in Vienna between May 17 and 31. He integrated mail art, interventions in public space, installation, exchange meetings and performance.


Embracing was part of the XIII SOHO in Ottakring Festival, held during May 2014 in the Sandleiten neighborhood, 16th district of the city of Vienna, Austria, under the curatorship of Ula Schneider and Hansel Sato.

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Emilio Santisteban , interdisciplinary performance artist. Peru.  Contact us .

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