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Performance , performance cycle since 2008.

Emilio Santisteban

Interdisciplinary performance artist

13,256 notes for the same number of missing persons.

Performance "Héroe" de Emilio Santisteban
Performance "Héroe" de Emilio Santisteban
Performance "Héroe" de Emilio Santisteban


Absent body performance.

Calligraphy of the Peruvian hero Miguel Grau on sticky notes, asking: "And what place will my body take among the disappeared!"

Hero is found in various places, among the sheets of books in libraries, on refrigerator doors, on desks, on walls, on poles, etc. Each person who comes across it can save it and take the time and effort necessary to give (themselves) their most valuable answer.

Execution in progress:

Spaces of daily life since October 2016 (permanent).

Other executions:

Laboratory — performance Are you going to say it!  Colloquium Heterotopías, UAM, Mexico City, Maderos passage and Zócalo of the Historic Center, October 21, 2016.

Intersections, performance session. Traces of city intersections in Lima. October 11, 2017 (and remainders) at Alianza Francesa de la Molina, Lima, Peru.

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Emilio Santisteban , interdisciplinary performance artist. Peru.  Contact us .

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