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Performance , performance cycle since 2008.

Emilio Santisteban

Durational performance artist


Lifetime and posthumous performance.

Since August 30, 2017.

Data sheet
Title: Myname.
Medium: Host Body Performance
  (bodies absent in a host body), lifetime and posthumous.
Technique: Lawsuit and legal process before the Peruvian State and various manifestations (performances within the performance).


About Myname

Myname is a host body performance  (bodies absent in a host body), lifetime and posthumous, which is part of the Performance cycle (2008). It is carried out through the following procedures: Lawsuits and judicial procedures  before the Peruvian State with the aim of adding  to the name Emilio Ignacio Santisteban Ponce names  of  victims of forced disappearance in Peru (1980 - 2000); upon passing away,  Itinerant wake of the  body in  the communities where they lived  the people whose names he carries; finally, sunset  ashes to  Voluntary disposition of those relatives who feel it pertinent.


It began on August 30, 2017, the International Day of the Victims of Forced Disappearance by hiring a law firm in charge of keeping my file and accompanying me in the process of the claim (s) for as long as necessary. , to extend to the funeral ceremonies of my body that will no longer be that of an individual subject, but that of a collective and social one due to the symbolic force of its multipersonal nomination.


By means of Myname I take as a citizen, on behalf of the Peruvian State and its citizens, the responsibility for the forced disappearance of persons. I  I assume a person dissolved in the victims of forced disappearance. What it performs is not my body, but the absent bodies that inhabit it.

There are 816 first names carried by 1,920 people who appear on the list of Victims of Forced Disappearance published by the Ombudsman's Office. However, according to estimates by the Specialized Forensic Team of the Institute of Legal Medicine of the Public Ministry of Peru, prepared in 2008 by crossing data from other official lists not yet made public and unofficial lists resulting from investigations by various agencies, the number of disappeared can be estimated 13,256 people. An estimated 5,600 names may be carried by people who decide to be a living memory of missing persons.

Arte de Performance en Perú, Artistas de Performance en Perú, Arte Peruano de Performance, Emilio Santisteban
Arte de Performance en Perú, Artistas de Performance en Perú, Arte Peruano de Performance, Emilio Santisteban
Arte de Performance en Perú, Artistas de Performance en Perú, Arte Peruano de Performance, Emilio Santisteban
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